Hi all,

Thanks for your patience since my last update.  I could post pages of information, but please forgive me if I try and make this update reasonably short and to the point.


Many of the junior section will recall this visit of the RWC to Hereford in 2015 and a visitation from Jason Leonard. A few senior club members entertained Jason before he travelled to Telford as you can see, and it seems we made a distinct impression.

I thought I’d share the following personal message from Jason himself:


Hi Everyone at Hereford RFC

Just a short note to say the rugby family are thinking of you at this time.

I know what you have been through but I also know you will be back and

a stronger club because of it.

Keep moving forward, you will get through this.


All the very best

Jason Leonard




Can I again, thank all of those people, club members and wider club friends who have rallied together over the last few weeks, and indeed continue to do so providing physical effort, equipment donations, financial donations and specialist skills. It is massively appreciated and personally I find it very humbling.

The last time I updated you it was from beneath the kitchen floor with our President Spencer Goodall giving me his overhead advice!

I am pleased to share with you the current image of that very same kitchen.  I’m sure you will agree progress indeed. The floor and walls have been relined, the walls have been covered in a hygienic surface and we are awaiting a safety floor covering to be fitted.

My thanks to the Junior Section, who we have had to ask to keep away whilst sanitisation and floor and wall replacement has been taking place. I am sure you will appreciate we needed to protect our children and young people from risk.  I am happy to say that for now, those risks have passed (we do have a bit more construction to undertake).

We are now looking again to the whole club to help with painting the entrance hall, ladies toilet and dining area, including ten new doors we have had to fit.

I am repeatedly told the Junior Section parents and carers are ready, waiting and eager to help.  So now please take the opportunity to do so.

I will be at the club on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. Any painting assistance anyone can give would be greatly appreciated – ten people, two/three hours work each, a bit of banter and a cuppa!  What more could you want to cheer your day?

If you are able to help please call either Ivan on 07984 452003 or Jo Robinson on 07964 185598


May I take this opportunity to state that the committee are actively monitoring advice regarding Corona Virus from both Public Health England and the RFU.  We will respond according to the advice as it develops.