Girls Rugby Taster Session at Hereford RFC 

Sunday 8th November 2.00pm.

Year 7-13 

Please spread the word!


Why Girls Rugby???

Girls rugby has seen unparalleled levels of growth in recent years, and is one of the fastest growing team sports for girls in England. It is a game for all shapes and sizes and kind of player. There’s a position for everyone.

So why is Girls Rugby a great choice when it comes to girl’s sport.
– Rugby encourages and inspires leadership both on and off the rugby pitch.
– Rugby helps girls find opportunities to grow, fail, learn and succeed by working through challenges with teammates.
– Girls will have the opportunity to feel strong, brave and bold and reach their potential.
– Girls Rugby creates a fun environment to make new friends, and always having fun!
– Respect and celebrate for what makes them different and unique!
– Sportsmanship creates an environment where teammates and opposition can come together and celebrate each other as rugby players and members of a larger rugby family.
– Rugby’s core values are TREDS – Teamwork, Respect, Enjoyment, Discipline and Safety!

Rugby is much more than just a game. It provides community, family and a way to keep active.