

Hereford Rugby Football Club (HRFC) Health and Safety Policy


1.1 Hereford Rugby Football Club (HRFC) Ltd is committed to providing safe and healthy working environments and premises. We make all reasonable efforts to protect the health and safety of staff and visitors on all HRFC premises, in compliance with local laws, statutes and regulations set by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). These include guidelines for health and safety hazards, work practices and the safe use of equipment for staff. We also provide staff and visitors with the information, instruction, training, and supervision to protect their health and safety.

2.Definitions, Key Terms and Abbreviations

2.1 Definitions and key terms:

  • None

2.2 Abbreviations:

  • Health and Safety: H&S
  • Executive Committee: EC
  • Club President: CP
  • Hereford Rugby Football Club: HRFC
  • Display Screen Equipment: DSE

3.Roles and Responsibilities

  • Roles:
  • H&S Lead: The H&S lead is appointed by the Executive Committee (EC) and is responsible for coordinating with H&S representatives to manage and implement HRFC H&S strategy, policies, procedures, and management systems which align with the local policies and club expectations.
  • H&S Representative: A H&S Representative is appointed by the H&S lead. H&S Representatives are responsible for preventing accidents and injuries in the clubhouse, and for ensuring a safe and secure environment for all staff and visitors to HRFC.
  • Fire Wardens: A fire warden is a designated person appointed by the H&S lead, who is allocated responsibilities to help support the ongoing management of fire safety, by contributing to the safety of people in the event of a fire evacuation.
  • First Aid Personnel: HRFC first aid personnel (first aiders) may administer basic first aid to injured staff and visitors (as appropriate and safe to do so) until emergency services arrive.

3.2 Responsibilities:

3.2.1 HRFC Duty of Care:

  • Take all reasonable measures to safeguard the health, safety, and welfare of all personnel on their premises.
  • Provide working conditions and facilities that safeguard the H&S of staff, ensuring no unnecessary risks are being taken in the performance of duties.
  • Encourage individuals on the premises to cooperate with HRFC on all safety matters, including identifying and reporting potentially hazardous conditions and violations of H&S guidelines.
  • Provide information, instruction, training, and supervision to personnel assigned to H&S duties.
  • Provide sufficient information, instruction, training, and supervision to minimise hazards and protect individual H&S.

3.2.2 H&S Lead:

  • Ensures the H&S policy and risk assessments are available to everyone who is impacted by them.
  • Establishes an H&S Committee led by the Club President and Includes all H&S Representatives. As committee chair, the H&S Lead shall:
  • Equip offices with first aid capabilities.
  • Develop training standards and ensure all representatives are trained.
  • Conduct periodic reviews of H&S policy, procedures, and guidance for staff, players and visitors to HRFC.
  • Coordinate with local H&S specialists to ensure compliance with local regulations.
  • Ensure all H&S incidents are recorded, and findings shared in compliance with the policy.
  • Ensure the H&S officers are trained to carry out their responsibilities, in compliance with local H&S regulations.

3.2.3 H&S Representatives:

  • Ensure H&S policies, procedures, rules and regulations are adhered to.
  • Ensure policies, procedures, rules and regulations are regularly reviewed, updated and communicated to relevant staff in the club.
  • Produce an H&S risk assessment for each office and implement mitigation efforts.
  • Ensure compliance with and review risk assessments for work equipment.
  • Ensure all accidents and ‘near misses’ are documented and (where appropriate) investigated, and that follow-up recommendation are implemented.
  • Ensure safety inspections, fire drills, alarm tests and risk assessments are conducted.
  • Ensure that staff are aware of their responsibilities.
  • Coordinate the development of H&S policies and standard practices.
  • Train staff in their work areas and/or arrange for an external trainer if additional skillsets are required.
  • Ensure that safety notices are posted/provided and maintained.
  • Report injuries, illnesses, and dangerous incidents to the H&S Lead.
  • Assess risks for new or expectant mothers and minors.
  • Serve as first aiders in their work areas.
  • Serve as the lead fire wardens in their work areas.
  • Ensure that first aid boxes are current, and that expired or faulty items are restocked.

3.2.4 Fire Wardens:

  • Complete the Annual training as set out by the H&S lead.
  • Inspect their assigned area(s), building(s) or floor(s) for fire risk.
  • Inspect associated corridors and stairwells to ensure combustible materials are not stored there.
  • Monitor escape routes to ensure they remain free of obstacles.
  • Check that fire doors are not locked or obstructed.
  • Ensure fire extinguishers are in their proper locations and show no signs of damage or misuse.
  • Ensure alarms are operational in their area(s), building(s) or floor(s) during fire alarm tests.
  • Direct staff and visitors to emergency routes or exits during an emergency evacuation.
  • Shut down critical services prior to evacuating the building or area.
  • Retrieve or bring first aid equipment to the designated emergency meeting location (muster point).

3.2.5 First Aid Personnel:

  • Administer first aid, where appropriate and safe to do so.
  • Liaise with first responders/emergency services.
  • Ensure first aid equipment is operational and remains fully stocked, in coordination with other H&S staff.

3.2.6 HRFC Staff are to:

  • Take all reasonable measures to protect the H&S of themselves and others who may be impacted by their choices.
  • Cooperate fully with HRFC H&S guidelines, policies, and procedures.
  • Not interfere with or misuse equipment provided for health, safety and welfare purposes.
  • Report potential hazards to the designated H&S Lead.
  • Promptly report injuries, accidents, or dangerous workplace incidents, including those involving staff and visitors, in line with HRFCs Accident and Near Miss Reporting Procedure.
  • Keep corridors, doorways or fire exits clear.
  • Familiarise themselves with HRFCs’ emergency evacuation procedures.
  • Complete a Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Assessment annually or if there are changes as indicated on the DSE guide.

3.2.7 H&S Committee:

  • Comprises of the CP, H&S Lead and each appointed H&S Representative.
  • Convenes quarterly to review policies, guidance and incident logs.
  • Identifies any clear trends and recommends additional mitigations accordingly.

3.3   Additional Guidance

3.3.1 Visitor Policy – The person who is responsible for the visitor shall:

  • Make their visitor(s) aware of the location of the fire exits and designated emergency meeting location (muster point).
  • Assist in evacuating visitors from the building during an emergency or call for help in the event of an accident.

3.3.2 First Aid:

  • Each office will have an appropriate number of first aiders required for the number of people at the location.
  • Each first aider will be trained by a certified company and receive refresher courses in line with legal requirements/needs.
  • Each office will have a first aid kit with contents approved by the H&S Lead..
  • The person(s) responsible for administering first aid and the location of each first aid kit will be clearly signposted.
  • First aiders will only administer care:
  • If conditions are safe.
  • That they are trained to provide.
  • That they feel confident to administer at that moment.

3.3.3 Fire Safety:

  • Each work area will have an appropriate number of fire wardens required for the number of people at the location.
  • Each fire warden will be trained and complete annual refresher training as direct by the H&S lead.
  • The H&S Lead is responsible for ensuring that all fire-related policies and procedures are current, with the support of the H&S Representative for each work area.
  • Each club location will have the appropriate number and type of fire extinguishers as defined by local requirements.
  • Each fire extinguisher will be placed in a location that follows local H&S guidelines.
  • Fire warden(s) and the location of fire safety equipment will be clearly signposted.
  • A fire extinguisher should only be used if it is safe to do so and if the individual feels confident using it.
  • Everyone is required to familiarise themselves with the Emergency Response Plan (ERP (including Fire)) for their work area, including the locations of all fire exits and fire safety equipment.
  • The ERP, including muster point, will be clearly signposted in each work area and in each location as required.
  • Staff and players offsite are responsible for familiarising themselves with fire and evacuation plans at that location.
  • Everyone is responsible for keeping thoroughfares, exits and gates clear at all times.
  • Everyone is responsible for reporting any hazards or suspected hazards to the H&S representative for their work area.
  • Each H&S Representative will complete a fire safety assessment and review every 3 months, or earlier if there is a significant change in the clubhouse.

4.Related Documents

  • HRFC Accident & Near Miss Reporting Procedure.
  • HRFC Accident & Near Miss Reporting Form.
  • HRFC Fire Warden Duties and Responsibilities Guidelines.
  • HRFC Health & Safety Incident Report Template.
  • HRFC Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Workstation Checklist UK.
  • HRFC Emergency Response Procedure (ERP)_Under Review
  • HRFC H&S Risk Assessment.
  • HRFC Accident & Near Miss Log.
  • HRFC Fire Prevention Log.
  • HRFC Fire Risk Assessment Checklist.


Hereford Rugby Football Club (HRFC) Alcohol, Smoking & Drugs Policy

1. Sale and Consumption of Alcohol

1.1 The Club’s Policy is not to allow any person under the age of 18 to consume alcohol on the Club’s premises or grounds, unless they are with their parents and the parent purchases the drink whilst having their food as The Licensing Act 2003 does allow us to permit individuals aged 16 or 17 to consume beer, wine or cider with a table meal.

1.2 Persons under the age of 18 are not allowed to purchase alcohol on Hereford RFC (HRFC) premises, under any circumstance, even if they are purchasing the alcohol for a person aged 18 or over.

1.3 Any individual, if challenged, who can’t prove that they are 18 will not be served alcohol or allowed to consume alcohol on HRFC premises or grounds. The only acceptable Proof of Age Documents are:

  • A valid Passport.
  • A valid Photo Driving License.
  • A valid Proof of Age Scheme Card that carries the PASS Hologram Logo.

1.4 HRFC Bar Staff are under instruction from the HRFC Executive Committee not to:

  • Sell alcohol to a person who is drunk. Individuals who are drunk and disorderly may be expelled from the Club premises and grounds.
  • Sell alcohol to a person who is obtaining an alcoholic drink for a person who is drunk.

1.5 Guests are not allowed to bring their own drink into the Club or grounds:

  • Anyone consuming their own drink on club premises will have the drink confiscated.
  • Anyone refusing to allow their drink to be confiscated will be asked to leave the Club’s premises and grounds immediately.
  • Any bottles and cans of drink that have been confiscated will be destroyed.

1.6 Violent behaviour against HRFC Staff and/or other guests at the Club will result in the individuals involved in the altercation being expelled from the Club.

2. Smoking

2.1 Smoking, including all types of Electronic Cigarettes, is not allowed in any part of the HRFC Clubhouse, including the bar, toilets and changing rooms.

2.2 No person under the age of 18 is allowed to smoke or use Electronic Cigarettes on HRFC premises or grounds.

2.3 Coaches and Officials are asked to discourage adults from smoking, including the use of all types of Electronic Cigarettes, when watching Mini and Youth Training Sessions and Matches.

3. Drugs

3.1 HRFC operates a Zero Tolerance Policy regarding the dealing and/or consumption of illegal drugs on HRFC premises or grounds.

3.2 Any person associated with HRFC who is found taking illegal drugs on HRFC premises or grounds will be:

  • Required to leave the HRFC premises and grounds immediately.
  • Investigated by the Executive Committee and possibly reported to the police.
  • Encouraged to seek counselling and help with any addiction.
  • Required to attend an internal HRFC Disciplinary Hearing which could result in them being banned from the Club.

3.3 Any person not associated with HRFC who is found taking illegal drugs on HRFC premises or grounds will be:

  • Required to leave the HRFC premises and grounds immediately.
  • Investigated by the Executive Committee and possibly reported to the police.
  • Banned from the Club.

3.4 Any person who is found dealing illegal drugs on HRFC premises or grounds will be:

  • Required to leave the premises immediately.
  • Reported to the police. Any evidence (e.g. CCTV footage) will be supplied to the police.
  • Banned from the Club.