Players fees season 2022/23
Juniors – £120 per year payable in September or by 2 x £60 in September & January or by 10 x £12 via direct debit. This includes club membership (no voting rights)
Colts – £160 per year payable by September this includes club membership (no voting rights)
Seniors – £160 per year payable by September. This includes full membership with voting rights
As payment is made in advance, in the event of injury the committee will review payments received and re-imbursement as applicable
Note: To be eligible for first team selection payment in line with one of the options detailed above must be in place by the end of September.
Exceptions: It is understood that some senior players may not be available for the entire season due to the nature of their employment.
In these cases the committee will review on an individual basis and may agree to payments comprising membership of £75.00 and £5.00 per week attended.